May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Long Sutton Annual Parish Council Meeting which will be held on Thursday 18 May 2023 commencing at 7.00 p.m. in the Parish Council Office, The Former Reform Church, London Road, Long Sutton. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
Signature: K Treacher
Clerk to the Council
Date 10.05.2023
Prior to the commencement of the meeting all Councillors will be required to sign documentation prior to the meeting following the local elections
1. Election of Chairman
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Election of Vice-Chairman
4. To appoint members to serve on the following Committees:
(a) Allotments
(b) Finance
(c) Parks and Cemetery
(d) Planning
(e) General Purposes Committee
(f) Personnel Committee
(g) GDPR Committee
(h) Events Working Party
6. To appoint representatives to serve on the following bodies:
(a) Allen’s Charity
(b) Blanks Charity
(c) Phillips Education Foundation
(d) Sowters Charity
(e) Almshouses Charity
(g) Long Sutton & District Civic Society
(h) Trustee of Long Sutton Pre School
(i) Voluntary Car Scheme
(j) St Edmunds Charity
7. To fix the amount of the Chairman’s allowance
8. To confirm the appointment of the Internal Auditor
9. To resolve to approve Security Services
NB: Hard copies of all documentation will be provided at the meeting including the Members Interest Form where you are required to declare all pecuniary interests of you and your “relevant other” spouse/civil partner/ someone you live with in a civil partnership. It will be helpful if you have the details to hand to complete the form. Details of all non-pecuniary interests in local organisations will also be required to be declared and be recorded on the form by the Clerk. All Members Interests Forms will be posted on the SHDC website and the Parish Council website.