May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Council Office Meeting Room, London Road, Long Sutton on 18 May 2023 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
Present: With Councillor J Clarey in the Chair there were present
Councillors Cllr D Cawthorn, M Ladbrook, C Broughton, Hayden Feetham, Graham Garrett, A Facey, N Reeve, I Thompson, J Tyrrell
03 Members of the Public
1. Election of Chairman
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Election of Vice-Chairman
4. To appoint members to serve on the following Committees:
(a) Allotments
(b) Finance
(c) Parks and Cemetery
(d) Planning
(e) General Purposes Committee
(f) Personnel Committee
(g) GDPR Committee
(h) Events Working Party
5. To appoint representatives to serve on the following bodies:
(a) Allen’s Charity
(b) Blanks Charity
(c) Phillips Education Foundation
(d) Alms-houses Charity
(e) Long Sutton & District Civic Society
(f) Trustee of Long Sutton Pre School
(g) Voluntary Car Scheme
(h) St Edmunds Charity
6. To fix the amount of the Chairman’s allowance
7. To confirm the appointment of the Internal Auditor
8. To resolve to approve the Security Services
1. Election of Chairman
Councillor G Garrett proposed Cllr J Clarey, seconded Cllr M Ladbrook
Councillor I Thompson proposed J Tyrrell seconded A Facey
Action: Cllr J Clarey was elected as Chairman by a majority vote.
2. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr D Rose
3. Election of Vice-Chairman
Councillor Cllr M Ladbrook proposed C Broughton, seconded Cllr D Cawthorn
Councillor I Thompson proposed J Tyrrell, seconded N Reeve
Action: Cllr J Tyrrell was elected as Chairman.
4. To appoint members to serve on the following Committees:
(a) Allotments – Cllrs J Clarey, G Garrett, H Feetham Cllr D Cawthorn and I Thompson
(b) Finance – Cllrs J Clarey, M Ladbrook, C Broughton and H Feetham
(c) Parks and Cemetery – Cllrs J Clarey, D Cawthorn, G Garrett, A Facey, H Feetham and N Reeve
(d) Planning – All Councillors with email facility.
(e) General Purposes Committee – Cllrs J Clarey, M Ladbrook, C Broughton and H Feetham
(f) Personnel Committee – Cllrs J Clarey, M Ladbrook
(g) GPDR Committee – Cllrs J Clarey, M Ladbrook
(h) Events Working Party – Cllrs J Clarey, G Garrett, C Broughton, M Ladbrook, N Reeve, I Thompson
Non-Council Members- S Johnson, T Watts, L Watson
5. To appoint representatives to serve on the following bodies:
(a) Allen’s Charity _ Cllrs I Thompson, H Feetham, C Broughton
(b) Blanks Charity – Cllr M Ladbrook, A Facey
(c) Phillips Education Foundation – Cllrs I Thompson, H Feetham, C Broughton
(d) Alms-house’s Charity – Cllr H Feetham, I Thompson
(e) Long Sutton & District Civic Society – Cllr H Feetham
(f) Trustee of Long Sutton Pre-School – Cllrs J Clarey and M Ladbrook
(g) Voluntary Car Scheme – Cllrs A Facey and N Reeve
(h) St Edmunds Charity – Cllr C Broughton, H Feetham and I Thompson
6. To fix the amount of the Chairman’s allowance
Action: The council resolved to increase the Chairman’s Allowance by 2%
7. To confirm the appointment of the Internal Auditor
Action: The Council resolved to appoint Bulley Davey as the Internal Auditor for 2023-24
8. To resolve to approve Security Services
Action: The Council resolved to retain Phoenix Security Services and review every 6 months.
The meeting closed at 7.20p.m.