January 2022 Minutes

Long Sutton Parish Council Meeting

Notes of the meeting of the Long Sutton Parish Council held on Thursday 27th January 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.

At the Former Reform Church, London Road, Long Sutton
Present: With Cllr J Clarey in the Chair there were present: Councillors: M Ladbrook, E Adams, D Cawthorn, F Light, F Heinrich-Tiller, T Watts, 
1) Apologies

a. N/A

2) Declarations of interest

a. No matters were declared

3) Notes of Parish Council meeting 25th November 2021

a. Resolve to adopt at next meeting

4) Clerks report 

a. N/A

5) Chairman’s remarks

a. Very pleased with the format of the Christmas Fayre, it was a big success being inside the Church.

b. Skate Park meeting successful

6) Financial matters

a. Actions carried over to next meeting

7) Correspondence

a. General correspondence

i. Conifer tree in the church yard – complaint by resident.

Chair to respond to resident.

8) To resolve and consider the co-option applications

a. Three invitations to apply have been sent with no response

9) Planning applications

a. Children’s home Wisbech Road discussed – to be investigated with comments

10) Queen’s Jubilee update

a. Next meeting is Wednesday 16th February 

11) Update on outstanding tasks

a. Funding applications 

i. Application for National Lottery funding – unsuccessful 

ii. Wind farm funding to be applied for

iii. No further updates

b. Parish precept – discussed and agreed.

c. New windows – discussed and excepted quote waiting for precept

12) Member’s comments/requests for matters to be on next agenda

a. Section 106 – John and Frank to approach South Holland District Council 

This part of the meeting closed at 8.10pm