September 2020 Agenda & Notes

Date / Time:
Thursday 24 September 2020 7.00pm

With Cllr J Clarey in the Chair there were present: Councillors Mrs R Barber, F Heinrich-Tiller, T Watts, F Light

0 Members of the Press. 01 Members of the Public

Prior to the meeting all Councillors in attendance had signed a Covid-19 Declaration Form, had been issued with a Meeting Protocol Document, Face Mask, Gloves and advised of sanitising procedures. The Meeting Room was also marked out to accommodate Social Distancing Measures.

There was no access to the kitchen, refreshments or the toilet facilities in the building.

To receive Apologies for Absence and reasons given
To receive Declarations of Interests and DPIs
To resolve to adopt the Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23 July 2020 as minutes of the meeting.
To receive the Clerks Report on matters outstanding
To receive the Chairman’s Remark’s.
Financial Matters –
a. To resolve to approve Invoices for Payment
b. To resolve to receive the Report of Cleared Payments since Last Meeting
a. To note general correspondence
b. To resolve to discuss a letter from the LS Branch RBL relating to the remembrance service and approve any actions required.
To resolve to consider the following Planning Applications and resolve to submit appropriate comments to SHDC as a consultee. Plans may be considered at the meeting if received after the agenda is published.
Applicatiion number    Details
Proposed Private Sub-Station Enclosure and Associated Transformer Compound Princes Limited Bridge Road.

Applicant: Princes Ltd.

H11-0739-20-FULL    First floor extension to rear - 10 LITTLE LONDON LONG SUTTON
H11-0730-20- SEC 73 MODIFICATION    New dwelling - approved under H11-0245-18. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. Pear Tree Farm St James Road
10-0711-20- S73A CONTINUATION    Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new raw materials warehouse and ingredient processing centre (Use Class B2/B8) - approved under H10-0462-19. Modification of Condition 1 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. Princes Limited Bridge
11-0715-20-FULL    Proposed Extension -71 ROMAN BANK LONG SUTTON
9. To resolve to confirm a date for a Parks Meeting and Inspection. 10. To resolve to discuss Speed Watch and Speed Reactor Sign Matters.

10. Members Comments -To receive any comments from members of the council and requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda. No resolutions may be passed under this item.

11. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following matters. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

12. To resolve to discuss Legal Matters and approve any actions required.

Apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Cllrs E Adams, M Ladbrook, D Cawthorn

Declarations of interest:

No Matters were declared.



Action: It was resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record of the meeting held on 23 July 2020.

Clerks report:

The Clerk reported that:

SHDC had contacted her with regard to CCTV provision for the SHDC car park adjacent to the Winfrey Park. They had obtained a quote for CCTV for approx. £1500.00 and she had advised them that SHDC owned the car park where most of the disturbances were happening so she had asked if they would meet the costs.
the tree inspection had been completed and a report would follow shortly.
a lock had been put on the main gate of Winfrey Park to deter mopeds gaining access and riding around the park.
the Lincolnshire Police had requested that a Holly Bush in Winfrey Park is removed or cut back due to it being used for anti-social behaviour. She had applied to SHDC for permission for the work.
she had received complaints regarding a seat that had been erected in Park Road. She had ascertained that Lincs C C Highways had not given permission for the seat and did not have permission and that the seat had been purchased by a resident after receiving a grant from D Cllr J Tyrrell from his SHDC grant. She had asked the resident who had purchased the seat who had installed it but he had declined to provide the information.
Chairman’s report:

The Chairman stated that:

he and the Clerk had delivered flowers to a lady who had provided help during lockdown by providing an outdoor library and another lady who had coordinated a group of volunteers to help people isolating.
he and the Clerk had also presented Mr Bailey and a local youngster who had helped with litter picking during lockdown with token gifts and cards to acknowledge the work they had done both presentations had been in the local press.
a small service had been held at the cemetery gates on 15 August 2020 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day and also to bless the VE Day and VJ Day 75th Anniversary commemoration planters. He had also planted them up prior to the day.
a member of the public who wished to speak that unfortunately there was no Open Forum and that the council were unable to accept the paperwork he had produced for each member due to Covid-19 restrictions relating to a Memorial Bench.
that the Parish Council and the Long Sutton Civic Society had withdrawn support for a seat and had not supported the seat which had been installed in Park Road.
there were other legal matters to be discussed that he wished to discuss in closed session
Financial matters:

Expenditure to be approved
Action: The council resolved that cheques for a total of £6173.07 approved for payment.

To note General Correspondence
To resolve to discuss a letter from the LS Branch RBL relating to the remembrance service and approve any actions required.
8. To resolve to consider the following planning applications and resolve to submit appropriate comments to SHDC as a consultee.

H10-0358-20-FULL-AMENDMENT    Proposed Private Sub-Station Enclosure and Associated Transformer Compound Princes Limited Bridge Road. Applicant: Princes Ltd.    SUPPORT- There were no objections in relation to this application
H11-0739-20-FULL    First floor extension to rear - 10 LITTLE LONDON LONG SUTTON    SUPPORT- There were no objections in relation to this application
H11-0730-20- SEC 73 MODIFICATION    New dwelling - approved under H11-0245-18. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. Pear Tree Farm St James Road    SUPPORT- There were no objections in relation to this application
10-0711-20- S73A CONTINUATION    Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new raw materials warehouse and ingredient processing centre (Use Class B2/B8) - approved under H10-0462-19. Modification of Condition 1 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. Princes Limited Bridge    SUPPORT- There were no objections in relation to this application
11-0715-20-FULL    Proposed Extension -71 ROMAN BANK LONG SUTTON    SUPPORT- There were no objections in relation to this application
To resolve to confirm a date for the parks meeting and inspection:

Action: The Council resolved to carry out an inspection of the Parks and Cemetery on 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 commencing at 2.00 p.m. meeting at the London Road Car Park.
Cllr F Light advised that unfortunately she would be unable to attend due to another commitment and gave her apologies.

To resolve to discuss speed watch and speed reactor sign matters:

Cllr Heinrich -Tiller advised that he remained one of two members of the Speed Watch group and other members were needed and that training sessions were available for anyone who volunteered.

He also advised that he had removed the reactor sign from the damaged lamppost on Roman Bank and had the equipment and reactor signs at home.

The Clerk advised that she had ordered new speed signs to put up on the reactor sign lampposts and they would be delivered shortly. Action: The Council resolved to ask the press if they would do a small article to ask for volunteers.

Members comments:

Cllr Heinrich-Tiller advised that Sutton Bridge PC printed and delivered a handbook containing Parish News and advertising and proposed that Long Sutton PC should do something similar and asked that the matter be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
Cllr F Light stated that the seats outside of Snax did pose a danger to users and advised she had received complaints about the matter. She also advised that she had received objections from resident regarding the development proposals at the rear of the Market House.

Resolve to go into closed session:
Action: The Council resolved to go into closed session.
The meeting closed at 8.16 p.m.